Thursday 8 March 2012

Biking Again

Bob and me on the banks of the Serpentine River

It has been 3 weeks since I posted because I was waiting for a really good day. Well today I had a really good day. My friend and neighbour Bob picked me up and we rode down Colebrook road and along the Serpentine River in the sunshine. The climb back up was a killer, but I made it like a drunken sailor, weaving up the road.  In total we covered 25 km!
Bridge over Colebrook Road
Me and my Trek

Had a very good check up his week with my red, white and platelet counts all increased on their own and no need for blood products. Happy to see my new marrow gathering some steam. It is about time after all the good food I'm feeding it including good old chicken soup from my mom.

Last week I was down at Spanish Banks watching a brave (or foolish?) kitesurfer sailing in the chop. It is nice to dream, but it is a lot warmer in  the car!
Sole kitesurfer at Spanish Banks with fresh snow at Cypress


  1. That's great that you are biking again!
    Vicky & Dennis

  2. Nice goin good to see you out on the skinny wheels again!

  3. Dear Dr. L. i am at a loss for words. All i can say is WOW!

    you truly are an inspiration.

    Lynn G - patient

  4. Dear Dr Larry

    We all miss you terribly. What an incredible journey. I spend most of my day in a chair, studing!

    Beautiful cat, we had one just like him for 20 years.

    Jen had a great wedding last July and Andrew is next this July.

    Our old cat was on insulin too but soon recovered so is managed by diet now.

    Currently baby sitting Michelle's diabetic cat. His shots may have been off a bit and his eating too so when he started a Stevie Wonder bob and weave last night Colleen quickly applied a little maple syrup (cat’s Coke!) to his gums which seemed to fix the problem.

    I am doing Acct 11 to keep the grey/gray cells nimble and plan to write the exam soon. Start Acct 12 next month. And the best part, all high school online stuff is free and assignments are marked by professionals!

    The Wisharts: John, Colleen, Michelle, Jen, Andrew - all patients for many years
