Thursday 15 September 2011


Conditioning has completed successfully (I brought my handweights but did not need them) and I am ready for my infusion today at noon. Apparently, it is very straightforward, with the cells simply infused into my existing Hickman intravenous line and then we just wait for them to find their way into my currently nearly-empty bone marrow where they will take up their new residence.

Caroline and my immediate family will attend to mark this "second birthday".  And after that it is just a waiting game. All the love and wishes and prayers you are sending are part of that infusion and that is what makes it extra special and makes me so grateful.

"Champaign" and cake to celebrate the "Birthday"

My nurse Ali sharing in the cake.

Transfusion was smooth and uneventful an now it is time to sit back and relax!


  1. Great photo of you on your "birthday", Steve! Our thoughts and prayers are with you. All the Best! Love, Vicky & Dennis

  2. Hi Steve:
    You're looking good and I see they have you on the right diet. We wish you all the best success in your journey.
    I've been following your story here (without comment) but just thought I would pass on a note that my wife is on a similar routine and we are going through the similar stages (minus the transplant)so we have some compassion for your journey.
    She was diagnosed with colon cancer in July and operated on Aug 4th and started chemo on Sept 15th.
    Definitely makes a change to life's routines alright.

    Keep up the fight, you're certainly looking well, although your hairdo looks more like mine now.
    Bill V.
