Wednesday 1 June 2011

Back on the Bike!

Well, it feels good to be coming out of the fog of the last few weeks.  I think I was experiencing a combination of self pity and self loathing that came from feeling helpless and sick. I am now feeling strong and energetic again, and hopped on the bike and rode around the neighbourhood, waving at neighbours and feeling the blood pulse through my dormant muscles again. I can now get on to clearing my desk and catching up on things around the house. And cooking. I love to cook, but lately my mom has been bringing out great meals and likely will continue as it gives her an opportunity to nourish. And my godmother sent today the world's best koulouria, or Greek finger cookies.

Wonderful cards and stories and emails are pouring in and I wanted to say THANK YOU to everyone.

My rash and itch are almost all gone. The swollen glands are completely resolved. My white blood count is very low because of the chemo, but should recover in time for my next blast in 2 weeks. So time to sit back and enjoy life, and of course the hockey game....


  1. Hi Dr L! Having trouble posting a comment so will try again. First one posted to your first blog so hoping you got to read it as I've been thinking of you alot. It's so wonderful you're back on the bike. Following one's passion does heal spirit & body follows. I know things will just get better from here on. The journey you're on will have its ups & downs but just keep rolling along packing that great attitude & you'll just ride around all the obstacles. I know you won't be down for long. Take good care, don't overdo. Prayers & good vibes from my heart to yours. Carpe diem!

  2. Great to hear that you went out for a ride. You are so strong and glad to hear you are putting all the positive energy in the right places. take care. Lynn

  3. Our thoughts are with you.
    With love
    Leo, Soula, Violet and Vivian

  4. Hi Dr Steve. This is Federico, the guy who wrote the article for the Windsurfing Magazine. Could you please send me an reply to my Email so I can have yours ?
    Glad you are starting to feel better. Thats for sure, there's no meals better than our moms.
    Just woke up, its very early here, I can hear the birds starting to wake up and singing everywhere, I love it.
    However our bodies feel today lets have the best day !
    We are alive !!!!!!!!!
    Your new friend. Federico

  5. Hi Steve
    This is Adam and Zachary's mom. I just heard this news yesterday and I wanted to let you know that our thoughts and prayers are with you as you travel this journey. We wish you well and a speedy recovery.

    Priscilla, Joe, Adam & Zachary

  6. Steve, as with the many other comments, we were in total shock to hear of your illness.
    Thank you so much for the blog. It helps us appreciate what you are going through and it also is a conduit for us to add our prayers for your recovery.
    All the very best and hopefully we will see you wind surfing in New Zealand in the near future !!

  7. Hi Steve, You are very courageous to blog your journey! We are thinking of you and send our positive thoughts and prayers! Having been through the chemo treatments and radiation myself, I know it's a tough battle but it is worth it! Take good care,
    Michelle, George, Kevin and Nicole V
