Tuesday 28 June 2011

Garden Party!

Werner came over one day and I happened to mention I was getting some overgrowth in the back yard. "Leave it to me, Steve" he assured me. Sure enough, 2 days later on my doorstep arrived a full work party with tools. And what tools! Bob was armed with a 6 foot long gas powered trimmer that made short work of the blackberry stalks the size of small trees. Werner and Martin and Jason manned the saws and trimmers on ladders and took down encroaching branches and trees. Lynn and Caroline took care of the weeds, and Zoe did photos and refreshments. What a team!

And of course there were all the final graduation festivities including the graduation banquet and BBQ which I was so pleased to attend as my energy has been holding strong since the last round of chemo. 
Zoe was stunning in her Grad dress, and her parents beaming!

1 comment:

  1. Steve .... remembering you and the family daily !!! Missing you around the Division Lots~
